
Can you give me information on area High Schools?

Frederick High School

Frederick High School is located at 650 Carroll Parkway Frederick, Maryland, 21701

Visit their website at...

Middletown High School

Middletown High School is located at 200 Schoolhouse Drive in nearby Middletown,

Visit their website at...

Walkersville High School

Walkersville High School is located at 81 Frederick Street in nearby Walkersville.

Connect to their website at...

Govenor Thomas Johnson High School

Also known as T.J. High, Govenor Thomas Johnson High School is located at 1501 N. Market Street in Frederick.

Call 301-694-1412 or visit their website at...

Brunswick High School

Brunswick High School is located at
101 Cummings Drive Brunswick, Maryland 21716

For information about the school and its programs visit...

Urbana High School

Urbana High School is located at 3471 Campus Drive in nearby Ijamsville. Call 240-236-7600 or visit their website at...

Linganore High School

Linganore High School is located at 12013 Old Annapolis Road in Frederick.

Visit their website at...

Frederick Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the best places to go for sports and recreation?

Can you tell me more about dining and food services in Frederick?

Can you give me information on local museums?

Where can I find information on area schools?

Can you give me information on historical sites in the area?

Where can I go for entertainment?

Where are the best places to shop in Frederick?

Where can I find resources for Seniors in Frederick?

Where can I get information on government services in Frederick?

Can you give me information about living in Frederick?

Can you give me some historical facts about Frederick?

Where can I volunteer for community service in Frederick?

What kind of transportation can I take in Frederick?

Books, magazines and music?

Amusements and Family Entertainment?

Can you give me information on area High Schools?

Information on Public and Private Schools?

Do you have information on diet, weight loss and herbs?

Where can I buy flowers, candy or fruit baskets?

Where can I find information on hotels and lodging?

Beauty, Hair and Spa´s?

Can you give me information on area Colleges?

Where can I find services for home improvements?

Can you tell me more about museums in Frederick?

What information can you give me about healthcare providers?

Can you offer information on places of worship?

Where can I get information on local news?

Can you give me a few tips on Christmas activities?

What´s happening in Frederick this month?

Where are the best places to buy music?

Where can I get help is a crisis situation?

Can you direct me to area theaters?

Where can I find resources for my pet?

Where can I go to listen to music?

Auto repair, sales, service?

Where can I find information on local transportation?

Where can I look for employment in Frederick?

Can you give me information on medical services?

Frederick area groups?

Where can I get information on local public libraries?

Hobbies, crafts and art supplies?

Where is a good place to shop for antiques?

Where can I find out more on the history of Frederick?

Where´s a good place for beer and wine making supplies?

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Heidi Splete